Construction Defect Services

Construction defect experts aren’t always known for their speed and punctuality. Or their ability to generate real-world repair cost estimates. Or their working knowledge of contemporary job sites, for that matter. That’s where we come in. Seeing what can and often does go wrong on construction sites for over thirty years gives YA’s Construction Defect Group – and you – the competitive edge. With a reputation for providing national support and accurate documentation on time and on budget, YA’s construction defect experts support attorneys, carriers, building owners, developers, and contractors with a more practical, streamlined, and credible approach. Our 4C Process® methodically guides claims and cases to a swift yet definitive resolution. In addition to repair cost estimates and remediation services, we provide law firms with integrated, interdisciplinary litigation support, responding to you and your case needs with unparalleled speed and diligence.

4C Process®

Construction defects encompass a wide array of building problems and issues, each with its own set of symptoms and risk factors. YA’s 4C Process® efficiently guides claims and cases in the construction defects and environmental arenas to rapid, well-reasoned determinations that facilitate more rapid resolutions. As our track record proves, experience does not have to mean haste. Methodical in our approach, our 4C Process® delineates four consecutive phases of the investigation: Classification (which category and type of problem or problems), Causation (root and contributing sources and factors), Culpability (which party or parties were responsible and apportionment thereof) and Cure (evaluation of corrective measures implemented, if any, or proposal of new remedy). Additionally, our identification of cures addresses not only available solutions but also cases involving lingering construction defects and environmental claims cases. We often include an analysis of the initial remediation method chosen and why, including cost and time considerations and impacts.


Why does YA operate with such construction defect diligence? Because we know you’re counting on us. And because we know the clock is ticking. Construction defects and related delays can be costly due to protracted investigations and litigation and their tendency to exert a magnified impact over time. That’s why attorneys, carriers, owners, developers, and contractors rely on our 30+ years of experience, national presence, and impressive track record of providing efficient expertise to the industry. We provide you with a single point of contact, neutral reporting, and the well-reasoned, well-documented construction defect theory that is made all the more impactful considering our daily construction practice. YA’s staff of architects, engineers, project managers, accountants, cost estimators, systems & claims specialists, and other personnel all come together to provide you with a seamless approach that helps you surmount your construction defect challenges with greater technical acumen and greater timeliness, a higher standard of business professionalism.

Litigation Support

Construction defect consultants with a complete command over virtually all of the engineering and construction specialties, YA’s seasoned personnel provide the on-site investigations, the testing, the pinpoint analyses, and the expert witness testimony that resonates with judges and juries, arbitration panels, and, perhaps most importantly, with opposing counsel. Having served law firms responsible for successfully resolving construction defect cases for over 30 years, we know what it takes to come out on top. Frequently lauded for our command, composure, and ability to problem-solve creatively and to present the often dense, technical information required in construction defect cases via compelling graphics and multimedia displays, YA supports attorneys and law firms with uncommon tenacity. When owners, developers, and contractors seek proactive defect risk mitigation, we offer the benefit of our construction experience, knowing what factors can lead to construction defects and deficient work and how to minimize or avoid them altogether. When you need engineering or construction defect witnesses, you must talk to YA first.


From construction defect thematic case development to testing and analysis to negotiation support and expert testimony, we have proven ourselves capable of improving your negotiating position and supporting you in winning the case. When called upon to support attorneys, our opinions carry the total weight of one who works in the field every day. Our daily, real-world construction experience often positions us as the one with the best handle on what most likely occurred at a job site, when, and why. In ADR (alternative dispute resolution) forums and the courtroom, the hand-picked experts and the litigation graphics we supply portray project timelines and depict issues of classification, causation, culpability, and cure with convincing, compelling clarity.

Carrier Support

When a construction defect claim is submitted, carriers must begin their investigation swiftly, determine coverage, and put a value on the claim to assess potential exposure. For insurance companies, municipalities, or other self-insureds, a relationship with YA means working with a construction defects partner who responds diligently and is intimately familiar with the claims process. With the nationwide resources to meet any deadline, YA may be known for our rapid response times. Still, ultimately, we know our conclusions’ accuracy, thoughtfulness, and thoroughness can never be compromised. Giving carriers the answers they need, with attention to analytical detail while still keeping an eye on the clock — it’s the difference between diligence and haste.


With a unique depth and breadth of construction experience, YA’s capabilities, resources, and expertise have been leveraged in virtually every industry and every type of construction project. With YA on your side, you can take confidence in our reputation, background, philosophy, and approach. The following represents only a partial listing of our construction defects capability:

  • Mechanical Systems
  • Electrical Systems
  • Energy Systems
  • Mold Contamination
  • Field Investigations & Analysis
  • Destructive Testing
  • Repair Scope Analysis & Estimating
  • Trial Support & Litigation Graphics
  • Owner/Developer Risk Management
  • Foundations & Concrete
  • Rough & Finish Carpentry
  • Fenestration
  • Repair & Remediation
  • Structural Damage Assessments
  • Building Code Compliance
  • Construction Delay Claims Analysis
  • Coverage Determinations
  • Expert Witnessing

Forensic Claim Investigation Services

Forensic Specialties

Litigation Support & Expert Testimony

Remediation & Repair Cost Analysis

For insurance carriers and their counsel, our construction defect experts provide repair cost estimates that reflect the most up-to-date understanding of real-world construction practice and materials. That’s why many of the world’s leading insurance carriers have come to rely on our ability to rapidly assess potential defect impacts, liabilities and, when required, to establish timelines for determining coverage issues. For mediation, arbitration, pre-trial negotiation and courtroom proceedings, we provide the destructive and non-destructive testing, the construction defect expert witnesses and the engineering expert witnesses that can help you settle even the most unsettling of construction defect issues. For building owners and developers, we stand ready to implement the solutions our repair estimates indicate, often taking over as Project Managers for construction repair, remediation, and completion. Most construction defect experts are certainly not known for their ability to actually implement the remediation strategies they propose. But here, too, Guardian sets itself apart, standing behind its defect repair cost estimates with the ability to stand up and actually remedy the disputed work.