David Olmstead
Senior Managing Engineer
Dave specializes in electrical engineering issues and electrical failure analysis. He has performed numerous forensic investigations involving fires reportedly caused by electrical issues. Experience includes evaluation of electrical/electronics products and their failure modes to determine whether products adhered to relevant safety standards, including those established by UL, and CSA. He has evaluated products and components for structural wiring compliance with the National Electrical Code (NEC).
Dave has extensive experience involving electrical hazard incidents (shock, electrocution, arc-flash) and product safety failure analysis resulting from design changes, manufacturing variances, and CPSC recalls. He has experience evaluating electrical and mechanical equipment damaged by storms (tornado, hurricane, wind driven rain, straight-line wind) and other unexpected water intrusions.
- PE | Professional Engineer
- CFEI | Certified Fire & Explosion Investigator
Representative Consulting Assignments
- Arc-Flash | Ft. Meade, MD | Performed field investigation of the incident which involved (2) injured contractors from contact with energized electrical equipment at a government facility.
- Storm (Tornado) Damage | Nashville, TN | Performed Mechanical and Electrical (MEP) equipment inspection and assessment of rooftop HVAC units, elevators, and electrical distribution equipment as part of large-loss insurance claim.
- Solar Inverter Fire | San Jose, CA | Performed field investigation support during multiple laboratory inspections to assist in determining the fire cause of 5.6 MW rooftop solar system failure on a large commercial building.
- Hotel Fire | Nashville, TN | Performed field investigation of the fire incident, caused by an improperly installed electrical distribution system. Services included expert advisory role during defense depositions.
- Electrocution | Waynseboro, TN | Performed field investigation and provided deposition testimony of the incident which injured multiple individuals who made contact with their ladder and overhead electrical lines.
- Construction Defect | Baton Rouge, LA | Performed inspection of electrical and fire caulking repairs at a University apartment complex as part of a litigation matter which resulted in providing expert testimony during deposition and trial.
Professional Experience
- 2021 - Current | Senior Managing Engineer | YA Engineering Services
- 2019 - 2021 | Vice President | J.S. HeldLLC
- 2017 - 2019 | Regional Forensic Engineering Manager | GHD Services, LLC
- 2014 - 2017 | Senior Project Engineer | PT&C Forensic Consulting Services, P.A.
- 2012 - 2014 | Forensic Electrical Engineer | Unified Investigations & Sciences, Inc.
- 2000 - 2012 | Principal Electrical Engineer | Wunderlich - Malec Engineering, Inc.
- 1997 - 2000 | Engineering Project Manager | Techno-Mation, Inc.
- 1995 - 1997 | Consulting Professional Engineer | Olmstead & Associates, Inc.
- 1994 - 1995 | Control Systems Engineer | Custom Metal Designs, Inc.
- 1992 - 1994 | Electrical Engineer | GENCOR Systems, Inc.
- 1990 - 1992 | Electrical Engineer | Integrated Security Systems, Inc.
- 1988 - 1990 | Electrical Engineer | FRU-CON, Inc.
Area of Practice
- Electrical & Mechanical Systems and Failures
- Electrical Installation Defect Investigations
- Equipment / Product Failure Investigations
- Fire Origin & Cause
- HVAC and Mechanical Systems
- University of Missouri - B.S. - Electrical Engineering - Rolla - Missouri
- International Association of Arson Investigators (IAAI)
- International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI)
- American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC)
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- Tennessee Society of Professional Engineers (TSPE)
- National Association of Fire Investigators (NAFI)
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
- National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
- Tennessee Advisory Committee on Arson (TACA)
- 24613 - Alabama - Professional Engineer
- 70704 - Arizona - Professional Engineer
- 15225 - Arkansas - Professional Engineer
- National Association of Fire Investigators
- E21567 - California - Professional Engineer
- 56950 - Colorado - Professional Engineer
- 34095 - Connecticut - Professional Engineer
- 23758 - Delaware - Professional Engineer
- 922384 - District of Columbia - Professional Engineer
- 47721 - Florida - Professional Engineer
- 37208 - Georgia - Professional Engineer
- 19445 - Hawaii - Professional Engineer
- 19721 - Idaho - Professional Engineer
- 062-065335 - Illinois - Professional Engineer
- 11400105 - Indiana - Professional Engineer
- P25574 - Iowa - Professional Engineer
- 27885 - Kansas - Professional Engineer
- 28784 - Kentucky - Professional Engineer
- 39294 - Louisiana - Professional Engineer
- 16444 - Maine - Professional Engineer
- 46947 - Maryland - Professional Engineer
- 55131 - Massachusetts - Professional Engineer
- 6201060495 - Michigan - Professional Engineer
- 58476 - Minnesota - Professional Engineer
- 20879 - Mississippi - Professional Engineer
- 2013006500 - Missouri - Professional Engineer
- 72444 - Montana - Professional Engineer
- Model Law
- E-18172 - Nebraska - Professional Engineer
- 27662 - Nevada - Professional Engineer
- 16404 - New Hampshire - Professional Engineer
- GE55810 - New Jersey - Professional Engineer
- 26298 - New Mexico - Professional Engineer
- 100462 - New York - Professional Engineer
- 43089 - North Carolina - Professional Engineer
- 28649 - North Dakota - Professional Engineer
- 85268 - Ohio - Professional Engineer
- 31731 - Oklahoma - Professional Engineer
- 96849PE - Oregon - Professional Engineer
- 91282 - Pennsylvania - Professional Engineer
- 13469 - Rhode Island - Professional Engineer
- 34343 - South Carolina - Professional Engineer
- 14947 - South Dakota - Professional Engineer
- 107361 - Tennessee - Professional Engineer
- 85691 - Texas - Professional Engineer
- 11751169-2202 - Utah - Professional Engineer
- 18.013467 - Vermont - Professional Engineer
- 402052533 - Virginia - Professional Engineer
- 20104418 - Washington - Professional Engineer
- 21634 - West Virginia - Professional Engineer
- 47316-6 - Wisconsin - Professional Engineer
- 18183 - Wyoming - Professional Engineer